Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Fiction: "The Pretty Ones" by Douglas Bruton

For those of you more interested in short, concise pieces that you can finish while your porn is downloading, I have a solution:

Click here to read "The Pretty Ones" by Douglas Bruton.

This is called "Flash Fiction," meaning it's shorter than "regular fiction." Some people truly believe this is all anyone has the patience for anymore, and I sincerely hope that isn't the case. Regardless, it's a great story no matter its length and worth enjoying!

This one is from 322 Review, by the way. Good stuff online. Check out their other material they've posted from their new issue.

Don't forget to check the Fiction Blog Twitter for more updates!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

The Three Wolf Moon T-Shirt

Sometimes, fiction can take some on some pretty interesting guises. When something becomes ironic enough, it becomes funny. Case in point: the Three Wolf moon t-shirt.

Click here to see the shirt.

Now, once you've grasped the awesomeness of the shirt, scroll down to the reviews. Are the people reviewing this shirt serious? No (I hope not). But is it outright hilarious? Yes.






Literature blogs

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Fiction: "Two-Step" by Maile Meloy

One of the best things about Zoetrope: All-Story is their Web site provides a couple stories from each issue, free to read, plus excerpts from the other stories so you can really get a feel for what's going on inside each issue.

Click here to read "Two-Step" by Maile Meloy.

All-Story is a literary journal built from the ground up by Francis Ford Coppola, in case you're wondering. You can usually find it at bookstores, but you might want to buy a copy from their Web site if you enjoy supporting his projects.

For all you writers out there: you can also join the Zoetrope Virtual Studio for free.


Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Fiction: "Connie Keeps Goats" by W.A. Reed

Wisconsin's own Porcupine Literary journal, currently NOT accepting new submissions (how do they replenish their journal, then?!), provides a couple of free short stories online. One short story I read that I really enjoyed was this one.

Click here to read "Connie Keeps Goats" by W.A. Reed.

I actually subscribed to this journal for awhile and always found it full of some really great fiction. If you're interested in buying a couple, back issues are only $5 and the books are usually around a hundred pages in length, or more. WELL worth trying out.


Monday, May 4, 2009

"The Poetess Writes Unanswered Letters" by Carrie Messenger

I've been reading a lot from Redivider, a literary journal housed at Emerson College (and I have every intention of submitting a short story to it sometime in the near future). It's a really impressive journal, very entertaining with some great poetry and artwork included in every issue. I spoke at length with a couple of editors from the AWP writer's conference in Chicago as well, and they all seem to share a passion for the literary profession.

Click here to read "The Poetess Writes Unanswered Letters" by Carrie Messenger.

Their Web site also features a couple of different stories and poems from each issue that you can read online for free. Click here to check them out.
